“Thanks to $TokaiCarbonCB/corruption/fullstory.com, I now have a better understanding of the shady dealings of big corporations. Their insights are eye-opening and informative.”

[John Doe]

CA: GBkDEFC7MaUogfk89rzCqRsUPw2GZqMg16hxXmckpump

Contact us

For any inquiries or support, or just to blow up the companies emails and phones I will be posting there email as well as a phone. Would love if yall sent in questions about the accident of January 19th 2022 to a welder who got buried and burnt due to the gross negligence that was hidden from the public as well as osha. 

plant manager

email: Regang@tokaicarboncb.com

HR: sberinti@tokaicarboncb.com

big spring plant phone: (432) 263-7389

shane burk the supervisor who's gross negligence almost killed me: +1 (432) 466-3508


Big spring, Texas, United States


About us

At $TokaiCarbonCB/corruption/fullstory.com, we are dedicated to uncovering the truth behind corporate corruption and empowering individuals to take a stand against unethical practices. God bless everyone especially the hard working blue collared folk, as well as our vets!